Faculty of European Studies

INFO admission


The Faculty of European Studies began its activity in the 1993-1994 academic year as the School for Advanced Comparative European Studies. In May 1995 the Faculty of European Studies became the official name of the institution.
The Faculty of European Studies is an academic structure within Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca. The Faculty of European Studies offers an undergraduate degree in International Relations and European Studies in the field of International Relations and European Studies in Romanian, German and English; Management in the field of Management in Romanian; American Studies in the field of Cultural Studies in English; and European Administration in the field of Administrative Sciences in Romanian.

  • Address: 1 Em. de Martonne Street, RO-400090, Cluj-Napoca
  • Tel.:0728.509.094 sau 0264.590.251
  • E-mail: admitere.euro@ubbcluj.ro
  • Web: euro.ubbcluj.ro



International Relations and European Studies Field

1 Specialisation INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND EUROPEAN STUDIES - 3 years, full time - in Romanian, German, English
- 3 years, distance education - in Romanian
2 Specialisation BUSINESS DIPLOMACY - 3 years, full time - in Romanian

Management Field

3 Specialisation MANAGEMENT - 3 years, full time - in Romanian

Administrative Sciences Field

4 Specialisation EUROPEAN ADMINISTRATION - 3 years, full time - in Romanian

Selection criteria for all specialisations

  • Motivation letter graded on a Pass/Fail basis. The motivation letter will be submitted online with the application. Results are published on the admission platform
  • For the German and English lines of study the motivation letter will be written and presented in German/English during an online interview.
  • Arithmetic mean with two decimals of any two written tests at the baccalaureate exam, upon candidate’s choice, worth 100% of the final score. The two grades for the selected subjects must be indicated on the first page of the motivation letter.

Admission fee for Romanian citizens, European Union Citizens, European Economic Area citizens and Swiss Confederation citizens for the 2024 / 2025 academic year

EU: European Union; EEA: European Economic Area; SC: Swiss Confederation;

  • For tax reductions or waivers, please see our Admissions Regulations


Specialisation / Field Undergraduate level (lei)
Full time Distance Learning
All specialisations.
50 50

UNDERGRADUATE LEVEL - Admission registration

Specialisation / Field Undergraduate level (lei)
Full time Distance Learning
All specialisations. 150 150

Tuition fees for the academic year 2024 / 2025 for Romanian, EU¹, EEA² and SC³ citizens.


Specialisation / Field

Undergraduate level (lei)

Full time

Distance Learning

All specialisations

