Faculty of Environmental Science and Engineering

INFO admission


It is one of the most modern and dynamic faculties of the Babes-Bolyai University and it provides training in environmental matters - at undergraduate, master's and doctoral level - in the newest, most attractive and most sought specialisations - Environmental Science (in Romanian and Hungarian), Environmental Engineering, Engineering of Biotechnical and Ecological Systems (undergraduate); Risk Assessment and Environment Safety, Environment Management and Protection, Engineering for Waste Valorisation and Sustainable Development and Environmental Management.
Over the years, the faculty has continuously developed and adapted its priorities promoted in educational policies and environmental strategies, while seeking to respond to ever increasing and demanding requests from the labour market.


Environmental Science Field

  1. Specialisation Environment Management and Protection (in Romanian) - full time

Environmental Engineering Field

  1. Specialisation Engineering for Waste Valorisation (in Romanian) - full time
  2. Specialisation Sustainable Development and Environment Management (in English) - full time

Selection criteria (for all specialisations):

  • Graduation exam score - 50%
  • Interview conducted in the teaching language of the study programme, around a personal and research development plan - 50%

Tie-breaker criteria (for all specialisations):

  • Undergraduate years of study overall grade
  • Last year of undergraduate study overall grade

Admission fee for Romanian citizens, European Union Citizens, European Economic Area citizens and Swiss Confederation citizens for the 2024 / 2025 academic year

EU: European Union; EEA: European Economic Area; SC: Swiss Confederation;

  • For tax reductions or waivers, please see our Admissions Regulations

MASTER'S LEVEL - Admission Process

Specialisation / Field

Master's Level (lei)

Full time Part time
All specialisations.. 50 -

MASTER'S LEVEL - Admission registration

Specialisation / Field

Master's Level (lei)

Full time Part time
All specialisations. 150 -