Faculty of History and Philosophy

INFO admission


The Faculty of History and Philosophy is the successor of the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy which activated in the University of Cluj between 1872 and 1948. After a series of changes which occurred between 1948 and 1959 a decision was taken to adopt a curriculum with a historical-philosophical content, combining philosophy and history, maintained until 1989. After 1990, taking into account the experience of prestigious departments and faculties in other countries, the Faculty of History and Philosophy has taken important steps towards modernizing its structure and teaching programmes.
The Faculty of History and Philosophy comprises eight departments: Department of Ancient History and Archaeology, Department of Medieval History, Pre-Modern History and Art History, Department of Modern History, Archiving and Ethnology, Department of International Studies and Contemporary History, Department of History in Hungarian, Department of Philosophy, Department of Pre-Modern and Romanian Philosophy, Department of Philosophy in Hungarian. Add to this several research centres or independent research institutes - Institute of Pre- and Protohistory, Institute of Classical Studies, Centre of Studies for Dacian and Roman History and Archaeology, Institute of Central European Studies (ISCE), Institute of Oral History, Institute of International Studies, The Altiero Spinelli Centre for studying European Organization (CASSOE), Seminary of Anthropological History, Seminary of Historical Demography, Italian-Romanian Institute of Historical Studies, Centre for Ancient and Medieval Studies, Centre for Applied Philosophy (CFA).

  • Address: 1 Mihail Kogălniceanu Street, Cluj-Napoca, RO-400084
  • Tel.: +40 264 405300, ext. 5275
  • Tel.: 0756-017.552
  • E-mail: hiphi@ubbcluj.ro
  • Web: hiphi.ubbcluj.ro





History Field

1 Specialisation HISTORY - 3 years, full time education - in Romanian and Hungarian
- 3 years, distance education - in Romanian and Hungarian
2 Specialisation ART HISTORY - 3 years, full time education - in Romanian and Hungarian
3 Specialisation ARCHIVE STUDIES - 3 years, full time education - in Romanian and Hungarian
4 Specialisation ARCHAEOLOGY - 3 years, full time education - in Romanian and Hungarian

Cultural Studies Field

5 Specialisation ETHNOLOGY- 3 years, full time education - in Romanian
6 Specialisation CULTURAL TOURISM- 3 years, full time education - in Romanian and Hungarian

Communication Sciences Field

7 Specialisation INFORMATION AND DOCUMENTATION SCIENCES- 3 years, full time education - in Romanian and Hungarian

Security Studies Field

8 Specialisation SECURITY STUDIES- 3 years, full time education - in Romanian and English
- 3 years, distance education - in Romanian

Philosophy Field

9 Specialisation PHILOSOPHY- 3 years, full time education - in Romanian and Hungarian
- 3 years, distance education - in Romanian


Selection criteria for all specialisations

  • Motivation letter graded on a Pass/Fail basis. It will be written in the language of instruction of the degree programme.
  • Applicants will be ranked according to the baccalaureate score worth 100% of the admission score.
  • Candidates who have won prizes in school Olympiads and specialised competitions are eligible for special conditions. For more details visit the faculty website.

Number of student places 2024

Field Specialisation State funding Tuition Rural
Philosophy Philosophy 11 38
Philosophy (Hungarian) 5 22
History Archaeology 0 32
Archaeology (Hungarian) 2 8
Archiving 4 7
Archiving (Hungarian) 3 11
History of art 1 4
History of art (Hungarian) 1 6
History 4 163
History (Hungarian) 0 26
International relations and european studies International relations and european studies 1 100
International relations and european studies (Hungarian) 5 29
Cultural studies Ethnology 3 12
Cultural tourism 6 59
Cultural tourism (Hungarian) 0 19
Communication sciences Information and documentation sciences 5 9
Information and documentation sciences (Hungarian) 2 12
Security studies Security studies 8 27
Security studies (English) 2 51
Total 63 635 5

Faculties Admission Calendar
July Session 2025

JULY 2025

Application process and deadlines


Submitting applications online (the platform closes on 16 July at 12:00 hrs)


Reporting observations (errors, omissions, etc.)


Posting initial results (by specialisations)


Confirmation of places, phase I (the platform closes on 23 July at 12:00 hrs)


Redistribution of unused places after phase I


Confirmation of places after redistribution, phase II (the platform closes on 27 July at 24:00 hrs)


Posting final results

Faculties Admission Calendar
September Session 2025


Application process and deadlines


Submitting applications online (the platform closes on 8 September at 12:00 hrs)


Reporting observations (errors, omissions, etc.)


Posting initial results (by specialisations)


Confirmation of places, phase I (the platform closes on 10 September at 12:00 hrs)


Redistribution of unused places after phase I


Confirmation of places after redistribution, phase II (the platform closes on 13 September at 12:00 hrs)


Posting final results

Admission fee for Romanian citizens, European Union Citizens, European Economic Area citizens and Swiss Confederation citizens for the 2025 / 2026 academic year

EU: European Union; EEA: European Economic Area; SC: Swiss Confederation;

  • For tax reductions or waivers, please see our Admissions Regulations

Tuition fees for the academic year 2025 / 2026 for Romanian, EU¹, EEA² and SC³ citizens.