Faculty of Greek-Catholic Theology

INFO admission


Studying theology means learning to guide yourself in a pluralistic universe in relationship with God and with your fellow human beings. This does not mean only to learn the Christian foundations of our society and culture, but also to assimilate general human values ​​in today's world.

What we propose is the study of theology in a highly scientific academic setting and in a multicultural and multi-denominational environment which is that of the University of Cluj. 

Our faculty tends to combine its manifest Catholic identity, connected to values ​​of European civilization, Byzantine ecclesiastical tradition as an expression of Romanian spirituality.

The Faculty of Greek Catholic Theology has the following outcomes:

  1. Growing and offering a deep and solid knowledge of the truth about God, man and the world, in the light of Christian revelation and reason through scientific research performed according to the method specific for each discipline.
  2. Philosophical-theological and professional training of students, according to their chosen specialisation.
  3. Permanent theological formation of the Greek Catholic clergy and other persons, either consecrated or secular involved in the Church activity and in the society.
  4. Theological and spiritual formation of the laity who want to live responsibly their adherence to faith, regardless of their field of activity.
  5. Supporting pastoral and evangelizing work of the Romanian Church United with Rome, Greek Catholic Church, by specific means for teaching and research.

The Faculty of Greek Catholic Theology of the Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca is divided into three departments: Blaj, Cluj and Oradea.

  • Address: 26 Moţilor Street, RO-4000001, Cluj-Napoca
  • Tel.: 0264-599.579 (Cluj-Napoca); 0258-710.440 (Blaj); 0259-416.953 (Oradea)
  • E-mail: gct@ubbcluj.ro
  • Web: gct.ubbcluj.ro


Theology Field

1 Specialisation GREEK CATHOLIC THEOLOGY - SOCIAL WORK- 3 years, full time education - in Romanian
2 Specialisation GREEK CATHOLIC DIDACTIC THEOLOGY- 3 years, full time education - in Romanian
3 Specialisation GREEK CATHOLIC PASTORAL THEOLOGY- 4 years, full time education - in Romanian
4 Specialisation GREEK CATHOLIC PASTORAL THEOLOGY in Blaj- 4 years, full time education - in Romanian
5 Specialisation GREEK CATHOLIC PASTORAL THEOLOGY in Oradea- 4 years, full time education - in Romanian

Selection criteria for all specialisations

  • Motivation letter graded on a Pass/Fail basis.
  • Baccalaureate score worth 100% of the admission score.


Number of student places 2024

Field Specialisation State funding Tuition Rural
Theology Greek catholic theology - social work 3 19
Didactic Greek catholic theology 4 23
Pastoral Greek catholic theology 2 22
Pastoral Greek catholic theology (in Blaj) 2 12
Pastoral Greek catholic theology (in Oradea) 2 32
Total 13 108 1

Faculties Admission Calendar
July Session 2025

JULY 2025

Application process and deadlines

10-11, 14-18 and 21

Submitting applications online (the platform closes on 21 July at 14:00 hrs)


Posting examination results and reporting observations (errors, omissions, etc.)


Posting initial results (by specialisations)


Confirmation of places and submitting documents in original at the faculty


Posting final results

Faculties Admission Calendar
September Session 2025


Application process and deadlines

5 and 8-10

Submitting applications online (the platform closes on 10 September at 14:00 hrs)


Posting examination results and reporting observations (errors, omissions, etc.)


Posting initial results (by specialisations)


Confirmation of places and submitting documents in original at the faculty


Posting final results

Admission fee for Romanian citizens, European Union Citizens, European Economic Area citizens and Swiss Confederation citizens for the 2025 / 2026 academic year

EU: European Union; EEA: European Economic Area; SC: Swiss Confederation;

  • For tax reductions or waivers, please see our Admissions Regulations

Tuition fees for the academic year 2025 / 2026 for Romanian, EU¹, EEA² and SC³ citizens.