Faculty of Engineering

INFO admission


Following in the footsteps of a tradition of technical and technological innovation started back in 1771, after 200 years, in 1971, the higher technical education is established in Reşiţa. For over 49 years, the trained specialists in Reşiţa remain at the forefront of the technological revolution, both in the traditional industries (electromechanics, mechanical engineering) and in the vanguard (applied computer science). The high demand for engineering graduates on the labour market from companies translates into an exponential growth of employment opportunities for young engineers.

The fundamental mission of the Faculty of Engineering, now part of UBB Cluj, supports the initial and continuous professional training through undergraduate, master’s and doctoral degree programmes, post-secondary programmes and specialisation/upskilling training in areas relevant to the needs of the region. The multidisciplinary nature of our study programmes, providing both expertise and management skills, is designed to offer graduates not only the chance of rapid integration into the labour market, but also to induce an entrepreneurial spirit. In the context of a knowledge-based society, considering a humanist approach, another mission undertaken at the Faculty of Engineering is to train civic and socially responsible graduates who will act as European citizens involved in the needs of the community and society.

Another component of the mission of the Faculty of Engineering is to support the business environment and a strong public institutional environment by conducting applied research on topics relevant to the region, reflected in the knowledge transfer to local companies and institutions. The proof of a good professional training and of the formation of strong and innovative individuals is the large number of engineers from Reşiţa who have joined the research and production teams in the country and abroad. We don't just train professionals, we model individuals.

  • Adress: Nr. 1 – 4, Piaţa Traian Vuia, 320085, Reşiţa
  • Tel.: 0730583012
  • E-mail : admitere.eng@ubbcluj.ro
  • Web : https://eng.ubbcluj.ro/


Mechanical Engineering Field

1 Specialisation MECHANICAL ENGINEERING- 4 years, full time - in Romanian

Electrical Engineering Field

2 Specialisation ELECTROMECHANICS - 4 years, full time - in Romanian
3 Specialisation ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND APPLIED COMPUTING - 4 years, full time - in Romanian

Applied Engineering Sciences Field

4 Specialisation INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS - 4 years, full time - in Romanian


Selection criteria for all specialisations

  • Motivation letter graded on a Pass/Fail basis. Results are published on the admission platform
  • The arithmetic mean with two decimal points of the second and third written tests of the baccalaureate exam (compulsory subject area, respectively subject area and specialisation exam), worth 100% of the admission score.
  • The final admission score for candidates who have obtained over the past four years 1st, 2nd, 3rd prize or special mention in national and/or international school olympiads is 10.00. 

Admission fee for Romanian citizens, European Union Citizens, European Economic Area citizens and Swiss Confederation citizens for the 2025 / 2026 academic year

EU: European Union; EEA: European Economic Area; SC: Swiss Confederation;

  • For tax reductions or waivers, please see our Admissions Regulations


Specialisation / Field  Undergraduate level (lei)
Full time Distance Learning
All specialisations.
50 -

UNDERGRADUATE LEVEL - Admission registration

Specialisation / Field  Undergraduate level (lei)
Full time Distance Learning
All specialisations.
50 -

Taxa de şcolarizare pentru anul universitar 2025 / 2026 pentru cetăţeni români, UE, SEE şi CE.