Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science

INFO admission


Being an important component of a prestigious University, the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science is now a perfect blending of tradition and present, modernity and experience. The field of Mathematics at Babes-Bolyai University achieved an excellent ranking in 2015 in the Best Global Universities ranking, conducted by US News & World Report. While in 2014 the field of Mathematics at Babes-Bolyai University was ranked on position 81, in the 2015 ranking of "The world's best Universities for Mathematics" Mathematics at UBB is positioned on the very prestigious place 63. This classification (the latest in Romania) is a recognition of the value of the School of Mathematics from Romania and in particular from Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, a value based on tradition, work and seriousness in a climate of honest competition.

  • Adress: 1 Mihail Kogălniceanu Street, Cluj-Napoca, RO-400084
  • Tel.: 0264-405.300, int. 5244, 5245
  • E-mail admission:admitere@cs.ubbcluj.ro
  • Web: www.cs.ubbcluj.ro


Mathematics Field

1 Specialisation MATHEMATICS - 3 years, full time - in Romanian and Hungarian
2 Specialisation MATHEMATICS COMPUTER SCIENCE  - 3 years, full time - in Romanian, Hungarian, English

Computer Science Field

3 Specialisation COMPUTER SCIENCE - 3 years, full time - in Romanian, Hungarian, German, English

Specialisation ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE - 3 years, full time education - in English

Computers and IT field

Specialisation INFORMATION ENGINEERING - 4 years, full time education - in English and Hungarian


Selection criteria for all specialisations

  • The admission score is the written examination (multiple choice) grade in Mathematics or Informatics, according to the candidate’s choice upon application, amounting to 100% of the final grade.
  • The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science reserves specific benefits for the candidates who obtained outstanding results in specialised school competitions and Olympiads or the Mate-Info UBB Competition (2023 and 2024 editions). For more details visit the faculty website.

Admission fee for Romanian citizens, European Union Citizens, European Economic Area citizens and Swiss Confederation citizens for the 2024 / 2025 academic year

EU: European Union; EEA: European Economic Area; SC: Swiss Confederation;

  • For tax reductions or waivers, please see our Admissions Regulations


Specialisation / Field Undergraduate level (lei)
Full time Distance Learning
All specialisations.
Regardless of the number of options on the enrolment form the candidate will pay one tuition.
50 -

UNDERGRADUATE LEVEL - Admission registration

Specialisation / Field Undergraduate level (lei)
Full time Distance Learning
All specialisations.
Regardless of the number of options on the application form the candidate pays one fee only
300 -

Tuition fees for the academic year 2024 / 2025 for Romanian, EU¹, EEA² and SC³ citizens.


Specialisation / Field

Undergraduate level

Full time

Distance Learning

Mathematics (in Romanian and Hungarian)



Mathematics for Computer Science (in Romanian, Hungarian, and English)



Computer Science (in Romanian, Hungarian, English, and German)



Artificial Intelligence (in English) 5.000 -